Monday, March 25, 2013

It's ba-ack...

Seeing as I never really had symptoms of endometriosis before my surgery, I have been very (unpleasantly) surprised to be experiencing them after my surgery. A couple of months ago I was in so much pain I had to lie down on the floor at work for 30 minutes or so. I was nauseated, hyperventilating, and wondering if I needed to go to the emergency room. Thankfully, the pain went away quickly enough. That has only happened to me once before, 11 years ago. I did go to the emergency room that time. For the past two days, I have been experiencing major pain in my lower back and I had cramping that actually woke me up at 5:00 in the morning the other day - experiences I've never had before. So, I think it's safe to say that the endometriosis is back, a mere 8 months after my surgery that was supposed to be "good" for at least a couple of years. This week I'll see a new doctor (my 6th on this infertility journey) and I hope to get some answers.


  1. So sorry to hear of the set back. :(

  2. 6th time's the charm? We're praying for you.

  3. Good luck with your new doctor!

  4. I'm so sorry! Hopefully this next doctor can help get rid of it, at least for longer than a few months...

  5. Dear Rachel,
    I wish I could give you a hug and take you out for a pedicure right now.

