Monday, March 7, 2011


Reasons why I am or soon should be pregnant:
  • A friend had a dream that I was pregnant
  • I had a dream that I was pregnant
  • 11 is my lucky number. It's 2011, so I will get pregnant this year
  • Dave got a promotion and a raise at work so now we can afford for me to be a stay-at-home mom.
  • Seemingly out of the blue, Halima asked me if I had a baby in my tummy.
  • When you give major service in the Church, like going on a mission or serving as bishop, you are promised that your family will be blessed. My brother and sister were on missions at the same time that my dad was serving as bishop. That triples my chances!
  • We bought a house. Now we have room for a baby.
  • I was told in a priesthood blessing that I will get pregnant "soon." That was almost a year and a half ago.Too bad God's timing isn't the same as my timing.
  • I started an exercise routine. Now I'll be fit for my pregnancy.
  • We finished painting, decorating and filling up the baby room with baby stuff. "If you build it, they will come," right?


  1. I love your honesty! I can see now that I am not the only one having the same thoughts run through my head each month... here's my constant thought this week... "This lower back pain and cramping in my stomach (which is ALWAYS a sign of my period coming) might be one of those cases I read about where a woman had these EXACT same symptoms and it turned out she was pregnant - so maybe I could be too." WHY do we do this to ourselves??!! :-)

  2. I love that you guys are so prepared. I love that you have done everything you can instead of just throwing in the towel (which some days you definitely feel like it). You guys are awesome.

    I hope 2011 is the year for you guys too!
