Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Plan Z

Dave and I have already been through Plan B, C, D, E and all the way on through Z on our infertility journey. I have been researching, praying and fasting a lot lately and now we have a new plan. There's a local doctor who practices Natural Procreative Technology (NaPro Technology). I know two women who have seen him and gotten pregnant thanks to his help. Their stories gave me hope. Here are their stories:
She had been trying to get pregnant for a couple of years. She had seen a reproductive endocrinologist up at the UofU and then went to see this doctor. He looked at one of the ultrasounds that they had done up at the UofU and diagnosed her with a mild case of PCOS. The RE who had originally done the ultrasound had told her that everything looked normal! Thankfully, this doctor found the problem, gave her some medication for it and she was pregnant right away! 
She had one child but was having trouble getting pregnant again. This doctor found that she was still producing prolactin (the hormone produced when you breast feed that prevents you from ovulating and getting pregnant) 3 1/2 years after she had stopped breast feeding. She took some drugs to suppress production of prolactin and voila! She got pregnant! 
I like that his approach is natural (no more turkey basters!) and he tries to get to the heart of the problem. One of these women told me that he left no stone unturned in trying to find out what was going wrong in her body. So many reproductive endocrinologists skip over the symptoms and just recommend IUI's or in vitro without trying to find out what's wrong. It feels like they're in it for the money. You might get pregnant using that approach, but then if you want to have more children, you're faced with the same questions about why you didn't get pregnant before, and you'll probably have to use one of those invasive, expensive treatments again to have another baby. NaPro is also cheaper than the treatments listed above. I have an appointment next week and am looking forward to it! (I never thought I'd say that I'm looking forward to a doctor's appointment)
If you're interested in researching NaPro Technology, here are some of the sites that I visited:
http://www.catholicinfertility.org/naprotechnology.html (and some of the article links at the bottom)
Here's his contact info: http://www.fertilitycare.org/utah-medical-consultants


  1. How'd the appointment go? I'm interested in learning about something new...

  2. I haven't gone yet (it's this Thursday), but I'll let you know! Are you going to come to the support group? I'd love it if you did!
