Sunday, March 6, 2011


I think that many people that know that I'm going through infertility (which is pretty much everyone I know now, since I talk about it openly), think that I'm fragile. They seem to tiptoe around me. I wonder if they think that I'll burst into tears and hysterics if I hear the word "pregnant" uttered. I wonder if they're afraid of offending me. I wonder if I'm unapproachable. I don't know what their reasoning is, but I think that the tiptoeing is more hurtful than actually talking to me about it. People avoid breaking the news to me that they are pregnant and leave it up to Facebook or others to tell me. Others can see that I'm obviously suffering, but don't even come near me. This makes me feel even more broken, because now my relationships are broken, too.
I want to talk. I want to feel normal. I do pretty well talking to pregnant women and moms without losing it; give me a try! Actually, I need to talk. That is why I have joined a support group and started this blog. It is something that so many people are uncomfortable talking about, but I can't keep all of my thoughts and feelings and pain bottled up inside any more.


  1. I think I've done exactly what you've described. I don't want to hurt you any more than you already are. You were such a support to me before Austin was born, but now that he is here I feel like I can't talk to you anymore. I'm so sorry about that. Let me know if you ever want to talk! I have a small idea of what you're going through, and if nothing else, I'm a great listener!

  2. I agree and felt and still feel the same way. Friends and family didn't want to announce their pregnancies to me. It hurt because I was always genuinely excited for them. I just try to think how I would feel if I were them. They are trying to be thoughtful and not hurtful, but it comes out the wrong way. Oh, it's tough. I find I still have people tip toeing around me when it comes to talking about having babies and being pregnant, which as you know comes up ALL the time.
