Wednesday, February 27, 2013

2 days late

For two days I thought I was pregnant. My mind and my body even conspired against me to convince me I was pregnant. I had so many of the early pregnancy symptoms!
Two days is enough time to calculate your due due, plan how and when you will tell your family, research potential OB/GYN's, and pretty much plan your life around the baby that's coming. Yesterday I had another silent-sobbing-in-the-bathroom-stall experience. I am still deeply mourning.  This has provided some comfort.


  1. Rachel--my heart is crying for you. I can't imagine the roller coaster of emotions you must have gone through in a short 48 hours. I'm so sorry. :(

    1. Thank you, Katie! You are always so supportive. It means so much to me.

  2. Rachel I am so sorry. What a rotten trick. Such heartache you are experiencing. Good Mormon message, thank you for sharing. Thinking of you and praying you find comfort.

  3. It's too sad. I have no reassuring comment except that we love you.
