Sunday, June 17, 2012


Infertility has taught me to hide. 
  • Today was much worse for me than it was for Dave. In fact, Dave was just fine! I had to hide from him my anguish over the fact that the man I believe will be the best father in the world still isn't a father. 
  • I have to walk back into the office after using the bathroom and finding out that yet again, this month's treatments didn't work. I hide my pain and continue my work, acting like nothing out of the ordinary just happened. 
  • I have to hide my emotion when a child takes my hand and walks with me or sits on my lap or asks me to read a book with them. I'd give anything to have that with one of my own children. 
  • I try to hide my jealous stares at pregnant women's bellies.
  • In my day planner I write, "Resolve," instead of "Support Group Meeting," hiding the fact that I attend a support group from anyone who may glance at my day planner. 
  • I hide my feelings when I'm with friends or family and they talk about their children.
  • I act happy when I hear pregnancy announcements or attend baby showers or meet a friend or family member's newborn baby. Of course I am happy for them, but I'm also experiencing a lot of pain.
  • I hide my real situation whenever another new acquaintance asks, "Do you have kids?"
  • I hide my terrible fear of surgery whenever I talk to someone about my upcoming surgery.
All of this hiding is exhausting. Thankfully, I have this blog where I can disclose many of the things I usually keep hidden.


  1. hi Rachel, I read this and it just touched my heart. I know this was written a month ago, so things may have changed so I don't want to sound patronizing. But, in the case that it is still similar sentiments, just know you've got a cheerleader here. Don't give up sister! Let it all out, let it all in, whichever way you chose to deal with the moment, know your prayers are always heard. It was a real pleasure meeting you and David. I really couldn't get you guys out of my mind- what a lovely family you have. Take care, keep in touch. - Kristine

    1. Kris,
      You are so sweet. Thank you for your reply. Your support means so much. It was wonderful to meet you, too, and please come visit us again soon!

  2. My heart goes out to you. Everytime I read this blog or talk with you, I just hurt for you. I am so sorry Rachel. I wish we lived closer and could visit more often. I know that I cannot do anything for you and I think it just makes it worse. We love you both and pray for you! If ever you want to just vent/talk/chat, Kyle tells me I'm a good listener. :) I'd love to talk to you more. Still trying to convince Kyle that moving to Utah might not be so bad. :) Love you! You are such a strong woman. I look up to you!

    1. Alysha!
      Thank you so much. You have always been so supportive and compassionate. Thank you for your love and prayers! I'm disappointed that we won't be seeing you, too, this weekend!
