Thursday, January 12, 2012

Death of My Blog

So I am secretly annoyed by people when they start a blog the moment that they get pregnant or have a child. It's like there's no reason to have a blog except to post cute pictures of your belly or your children. I refused to do that, so last year when we were doing our IUIs, I started a blog a month before we started them. :) I was sure that we were going to get pregnant, and then I wouldn't end up being one of "those people." Now, over a year later, my blog is practically dead. I apologize to any of you who keep checking my personal blog and are annoyed that I haven't posted anything since August. I guess that everyone's right, the only point in having a blog is to post pictures of your belly or your children. Well, check back whenever that happens.


  1. No way. There are lots of things to post about besides children and I know you do a lot of things! I love hearing about what you are up to.

    The reason it seems that everyone posts pictures of their children is because that is their focus at that time. I loved blogging before Eli because it was fun to post about what Aaron and I were doing.

    Still praying for you and hoping for your children to join your family soon! :)

  2. Don't stop blogging. We still check!
