Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Dreamed a Dream

This weekend we saw Les Miserables. Have you heard the song "I Dreamed a Dream?" I really connected with Fantine over my infertility. In fact, I felt like I connected with practically all of the characters in the play because none of their lives turned out the way they had hoped. My life has definitely not turned out the way that I had planned it. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. Why did I ever expect my life to turn out the way that I'd planned? Looking at the lives of those around me, I don't think that anyone I know could say that their life has turned out the way that they had planned. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one. :) Life is full of disappointment. I don't mean to be pessimistic, it's just a fact. I am coming closer to accepting that and I think that that's healthy. I think that it has helped me lately to realize that and to tell myself not to be so devastated by things not turning out just how I wanted them.


  1. Rachel--
    Isn't that so true! I created a "picture" in my head when I was a little girl of what my life was "supposed" to look like. And when I achieved that picture--then I would be completely happy! My life's picture now is nothing like what I had painted for myself. You're right--no one's is. So we must paint new pictures--pictures without frames that can be changed and altered and not all of the way finished. I'm trying to let Heavenly Father put in a few strokes into my painting--he's a Master at it! So much better than what I could do. Katie

  2. I guess that's one of those grown-up things we all have to learn in some way or another. In fact I think we have to learn it over and over again as we go through life, so maybe the sooner we accept it as a fact, like you said, the better. Things don't always turn out the way we plan, and I try to remember that this can be manifested not just in disappointments but also unexpected joys. We just saw Les Mis too, wasn't it fabulous?! I hope you are well :)
