Thursday, April 19, 2012


I found out last week that Dr. Stanford is moving to North Carolina in June. Ever since we decided to go to him, I felt that he was THE doctor who was going to find out what was wrong and put an end to this infertility nightmare. I can't believe that we really only have two more months (which is really nothing in fertility terms) before he goes! The good news is that he told a friend of mine that he hopes that I'll be pregnant before he leaves. Well, now he has a deadline! Here's what we've been doing with Dr. Stanford lately:
December - a series of ultrasounds to see if I'm ovulating. Even with Metformin and Clomid and positive ovulation predictor tests, I didn't ovulate. This led me to wonder if I have ever ovulated in all of the years that we've been trying to have a baby.
January - another series of ultrasounds, this time with an additional trigger shot that makes you ovulate. This time I did ovulate - twice! That means that there were two eggs available to be fertilized. Considering I may never have ovulated before and this time I had two eggs, of course I was convinced that we were going to get pregnant. Our hopes were high, and then I even started experiencing a lot of pregnancy symptoms. It was a huge letdown when I wasn't. Probably the worst one yet.
February - a tweak to my Clomid dosage and another series of ultrasounds (what fun, right?). This time only one egg was produced, which is what Dr. Stanford wanted to see, since multiples result in high-risk pregnancies. Yet again, no positive pregnancy test. I really hate those things.
March - a break. I was sick of the ultrasounds, injections, charting, and seemingly endless trips to different pharmacies around town. The bills for the ultrasounds also started arriving and they were way more than what we were originally quoted. Ugh!
The Plan - no more ultrasounds (thank goodness!). Continue with my usual drugs (Metformin, Clomid, HCG trigger shot) with an additional trigger shot post-ovulation to get my progesterone up. The new theory is that I may be getting pregnant but because I'm not producing enough progesterone, the embryo isn't sticking. I'll see Dr. Stanford in May after this cycle to say my farewell and hopefully give him a big "Thank you for our miracle!"

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