Saturday, August 27, 2011


In two weeks it will have been 5 years that Dave and I have been living with infertility. This trial has taught me that a person can get used to anything. What used to be devastating is now just normal. My reaction to my infertility has changed a lot over the years. I have stopped crying my eyes out every month. I have stopped checking out stacks of books on infertility from the library. I have stopped spending hours online reading about infertility. I have stopped researching midwives and birthing methods and planning out how my childbirth is going to go. I have stopped caring about what day of my cycle it is. I have stopped praying for a baby. I have stopped trying to gain weight to enhance my fertility. I have stopped over-analyzing every weird feeling I have and telling myself that I'm pregnant. I refuse to do any more pregnancy tests. I feel that some of these changes are healthy and some of them are just plain sad. I have been really sad lately thinking about this upcoming 5-year mark. It feels like a big deal to me. Five years is a long time to be battling your biological clock, too. I wonder how big our family will be as I get older and older without having children. We have both always wanted a large family and it feels like that dream is slipping away, too. I am still hopeful, though. I think that after 5 years a lot of people might have given up. I still feel that we are close to the end of all of this. It's just painful thinking about how long and difficult this road has already been...

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking of you and Dave yesterday. We still pray for you two. Don't give up hope. You are both amazing people and will be amazing parents hopefully really soon!
