Friday, March 11, 2011

9-month calendar

They should market a 9-month calendar to infertile women. For the past several years, I have been living on a 9-month calendar. I can't plan anything beyond that because I might get pregnant and then my entire life would change. Today at work we were discussing plans for our organization one year, two years, and three years into the future. I kept thinking to myself, "I might be at home with a baby when that happens. But, I probably won't." Our family is planning a big vacation for next year. I don't know how to plan for it because what if I'm pregnant and really sick at that time? Would I be able to go?
I think of the opportunities that I have missed by living on a 9-month calendar. I could have finished a master's degree (or two) during that time, but why start a program if you're going to get pregnant and possibly have to drop out? Dave and I could have gone on some sort of international adventure before settling down and buying a house and getting "real" jobs. Instead, we stayed put with the thought that in case I were to get pregnant, we wouldn't want to be abroad at that time!
I'd like to live on a longer calendar, but what if this month is the month and 9 months from now our little bundle of joy arrives and changes our lives forever?


  1. Wow you're right.
    Thanks for using that waiting time for good. You both have done wonderful things during those years.

  2. That 9 month calendar drives me crazy, too. I think we just have to keep living, and if pregnancy comes, all the better.

  3. I did the same thing today--my sister asked me to babysit for her on Saturday, August 6th. My first thought, "I might be pregnant by then." But I still agreed to do it for her. :)

  4. Oh yes, I did this for about 3 years. It was so hard to plan anything because "what if" I am pregnant at that time. One good thing I learned from it is if I have a goal or something I want to do I try to get right on it rather than waiting just in case something comes up. It's easier said than done, but I try to do things and then if something comes up in the meantime (whatever it is) I will deal with it.

    I hope you do have something exciting to deal with very soon. :)
